At this point nothing significant has changed in regards to our current operations in response to COVID-19 from last week. We are still responding to specific issues/concerns as they may arise and addressing individual needs as appropriate. We have remained in close contact with our community partners, as well as Local, State and National partners and officials.
Over the past weeks, we have recognized that creativity is key and have begun to brainstorm and implement new and creative ways to outreaching to our community. Here are a few examples:
Additionally, our Casemanagement, Senior Corps, and Ombudsman staff members have been diligently contacting both current and waiting list clients, volunteers, long term care residents and facilities.
We plan to continue these practices and hope to come up with new ways of reaching our community in the coming weeks. As always, we appreciate your support and patients as we adapt to the ever evolving concerns and guidance. Please continue to check back for further updates, as well as informative and fun posts.
Stay safe! Stay Healthy! Stay Connected!